This is a short story written by me, I just made it up, and well, I thought about sharing it. if you read it, well, I hope you like it.
It still needs work, but well, this is it for now.
Life had turned a bit harsh on him lately, there wasn't much to do, much to see, much to care about anymore. He sighted, and with a lost stare he began to remember every moment that had taken his breath away throughout his whole life.
He smiled at the old times, God, they were good, how had he let them go just like that? Everything would be so different if only... if only... of only he had actually appreciated it when he had had the chance. The worst part was that "learning to appreciate things" was usually the motto of every damned song and every damned story, because at some point everything important was lost, and the main character ended up alone.
And who was he? Rafael Renfroe, another main character learning life's lesson.
In the blink of an eye he was suddenly divorced, his daughter lost, and his friends gone. If only he hadn't cared so much about money and that stupid job… he'd still be the happy person he remembered.
But yet again, he was just Rafael Renfroe, another main character learning life's lesson.
The worst part was that he couldn't help it. It was just this enormous anxiety to get all the power that blurred everything else around him until he forgot there was actually something else there, until he lost it. Life gave no second fucking chances, if you lose it, you lose it and end of story. Never mind trying to get it back because it was futile, so you had to love everyone, and live everyday as the last day because tomorrow mightn't even exist.
Damn, how many times had he heard that before? Nevertheless, it was the truth. So known and yet so ignored.
So he had been a prisoner for so long. A prisoner of his own, inside his private jail: his mind. Now it became clear: how people longed to help him and how he wouldn't let them; the truth was that no one could save him, no one but himself. They say there isn't a better teacher than experience, and again, how true that is. It was helpless, he was still a prisoner, the difference was that now he knew it.
Rafael only wanted freedom, and when he’d finally get it, he would go about life searching for all those missing dreams of his.
He would make his life be worth every second of it, and not because he had heard it, but because he knew that it was the path he had to follow to find happiness.
Live your life, from your mistakes take solely the wisdom, listen to your heart, and seek the freedom.
That was Reafael Renfroe... living life's lesson.
His daydream came to an end, and as landed on the real world, he realized how difficult it really was to live life’s lesson. Maybe, just maybe, he’d be able to do it someday. Perhaps, it would be real this time.
lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009
The undomestic Goddess. Sophie Kinsella.
Maya looks up, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You are obviously quite a stressed-out woman"
What? Where does she get that from? I specifically put down on that form, I'm NOT and stressed-out woman.
"No, I'm not," I hope Maya is taking in my relaxed see-how-unstressed-I am smile. She looks unconvinced.
"Your job is obviously very pressured."
"I thrive under pressure," I explain. Which is true. I've known that about myself since...
Well, ever since my mother told me, when I was about eight. Our whole family thrives under pressure. It's like a family motto or something.
apart form my brother Peter, of course. He had a nervous breakdown. But the rest of us.
I love my job. I love spotting the loophole on a contract. I love the thrill of negotiation, and arguing my case, and making the sharpest point in the room. I love the adrenaline rush of closing a deal.
I suppose just occasionally I do feel as though someone's piling heavy weights on me. Like big concrete blocks, one on top of another, and I have to keep holding them up, no matter how exhausted I am...
But then everyone probably feels like that. It's normal.
"You're skin is very dehydrated." Maya is shaking her head. She runs an expert hand across my cheek and place her fingers underneath my jaw, looking concerned. "Your heart rate is very high. That's not healthy. Are you feeling particularly tense?"
"Work's pretty busy at the moment." I shrug. "It's just a blimp, I'm fine." can we get on with it?
"Well," Maya gets up. She presses a button set in the wall and gentle pan-pipe music fills the air. "All I an say is, you've come to the right place, Samantha. Our aim here is to de-stress, revitalize and detoxify."
"Lovely" I say, only half listening. I've just remembered that I never got back to David Elldridge about the Ukrainian oil contract, I meant to call him yesterday. Shit.
"our aim is to provide a heaven of tranquility, away from all your day-to-day worries." Maya presses another button in the wall, and the light dims to a muted glow. "Before we starts," she says softly, "do you have any questions?"
"Actually, I do." I lean forward.
"Good!" she beams. "Are you curious about today's treatments, or is it something more general?"
"Could I possibly send a quick e-mail?"
Maya's smile freezes on her face.
"Just quickly," I add. "It won't take two secs-"
"Samantha, Samantha..." Maya shakes her face. "You are here to relax. to take a moment to yourself. Not to send e-mails. E-mail's an obsession! An addiction! As evil as alcohol. Or caffeine."
For goodness sake, I'm not OBSESSED. I mean, that's ridiculous. I check my e-mails about once every... thirty seconds, maybe.
The thing is, a lot can change in thirty seconds.
"And besides, Samantha," Maya goes on. "Do you see a computer in this room?"
"No," I reply obediently looking around the dim little room, at posters of yoga positions and a wind chime and row of crystals arranged on the windowsill.
"This is why we ask that you leave all electronic equipment in the safe. No mobile phones are permitted. No little computers." Maya spreads her arms. "This is a retreat. An escape from the world."
"Right." I nod meekly.
Now is probably not the time to reveal that I have a Black-Berry hidden in my paper knickers.
"So let's begin." Maya smiles. "Lie down, please, under a towel. And remove your watch."
"I need my watch!"
"Another addiction," she tsks reprovingly. "You don't need to know the time while you're here."
She turns away, and with reluctance, I take off my watch.
I think this is funny because of the irony. She is at a spa to relax and she can only think about work. I love the way she describes what she's thinking, which is completely ironic, the opposite of what the audience expects. I really like this book, it a fun way to pass the time. Obviously she's not Jane Austen, but trust me, you'll have a good laugh.
What? Where does she get that from? I specifically put down on that form, I'm NOT and stressed-out woman.
"No, I'm not," I hope Maya is taking in my relaxed see-how-unstressed-I am smile. She looks unconvinced.
"Your job is obviously very pressured."
"I thrive under pressure," I explain. Which is true. I've known that about myself since...
Well, ever since my mother told me, when I was about eight. Our whole family thrives under pressure. It's like a family motto or something.
apart form my brother Peter, of course. He had a nervous breakdown. But the rest of us.
I love my job. I love spotting the loophole on a contract. I love the thrill of negotiation, and arguing my case, and making the sharpest point in the room. I love the adrenaline rush of closing a deal.
I suppose just occasionally I do feel as though someone's piling heavy weights on me. Like big concrete blocks, one on top of another, and I have to keep holding them up, no matter how exhausted I am...
But then everyone probably feels like that. It's normal.
"You're skin is very dehydrated." Maya is shaking her head. She runs an expert hand across my cheek and place her fingers underneath my jaw, looking concerned. "Your heart rate is very high. That's not healthy. Are you feeling particularly tense?"
"Work's pretty busy at the moment." I shrug. "It's just a blimp, I'm fine." can we get on with it?
"Well," Maya gets up. She presses a button set in the wall and gentle pan-pipe music fills the air. "All I an say is, you've come to the right place, Samantha. Our aim here is to de-stress, revitalize and detoxify."
"Lovely" I say, only half listening. I've just remembered that I never got back to David Elldridge about the Ukrainian oil contract, I meant to call him yesterday. Shit.
"our aim is to provide a heaven of tranquility, away from all your day-to-day worries." Maya presses another button in the wall, and the light dims to a muted glow. "Before we starts," she says softly, "do you have any questions?"
"Actually, I do." I lean forward.
"Good!" she beams. "Are you curious about today's treatments, or is it something more general?"
"Could I possibly send a quick e-mail?"
Maya's smile freezes on her face.
"Just quickly," I add. "It won't take two secs-"
"Samantha, Samantha..." Maya shakes her face. "You are here to relax. to take a moment to yourself. Not to send e-mails. E-mail's an obsession! An addiction! As evil as alcohol. Or caffeine."
For goodness sake, I'm not OBSESSED. I mean, that's ridiculous. I check my e-mails about once every... thirty seconds, maybe.
The thing is, a lot can change in thirty seconds.
"And besides, Samantha," Maya goes on. "Do you see a computer in this room?"
"No," I reply obediently looking around the dim little room, at posters of yoga positions and a wind chime and row of crystals arranged on the windowsill.
"This is why we ask that you leave all electronic equipment in the safe. No mobile phones are permitted. No little computers." Maya spreads her arms. "This is a retreat. An escape from the world."
"Right." I nod meekly.
Now is probably not the time to reveal that I have a Black-Berry hidden in my paper knickers.
"So let's begin." Maya smiles. "Lie down, please, under a towel. And remove your watch."
"I need my watch!"
"Another addiction," she tsks reprovingly. "You don't need to know the time while you're here."
She turns away, and with reluctance, I take off my watch.
I think this is funny because of the irony. She is at a spa to relax and she can only think about work. I love the way she describes what she's thinking, which is completely ironic, the opposite of what the audience expects. I really like this book, it a fun way to pass the time. Obviously she's not Jane Austen, but trust me, you'll have a good laugh.
You belong in stans
Yeah, I know is kind of stupid, but I really laughed the first time I saw this video... don't ask why,haha.
lunes, 20 de abril de 2009
My Name
The chosen, loved by God.
It's from hebrew origins: Jesus' mother.
Characteristics: She is idealist, sensible and polite with other people (yes, always). She often needs time to think (yes, a loooot of time). She expresses herself through her comprehension towards other people (yes, I'd consider myself as comprehensive). She likes to solve everyone else's problems (indeed, and I've had trouble because of it) and be a good friend (well, I often put others before me... very often, but not always).
She who is present in God.
Some say is from Portuguese origins, others from the spanish "Camilla", and finally others say it comes from the french "Camille", I think, though, it actually comes from latin origins, so... my name is a bit... disperse hahaha.
Characteristics: Independent (indeed, in many ways), confident about what she does (Hmm... Not always) and decided (definitely not me). She may also be a perfectionist (hahaha indeed) and argues abut what is and isn't fair (yes!). She loves to feel complemented (of course) and loves humor (that's for sure, I love when people make me laugh).
miércoles, 1 de abril de 2009
lunes, 23 de febrero de 2009
The Oscars

To be honest, it has been a long time since I last saw The Oscars, yesterday, for example, I completely forgot about them. So today's question is weather the Ocars are interesting anymore, and my answer shall be no. I'm sure they are pretty entretaining but this time I forgot and last time I fell asleep. I think it is interesting to watch the movies which were nominated, but sincerely, I think waching them is a bit...boring. I guess it's just me but in my opinion, they've become more of an excuse to show off in fancy dresses and assist to such a party.
Anyway, it's fine to watch them for a little while, I mean it only happens once every year, it might actually be worth it. Perhaps it is just that I haven't take the time to really appreciate them.
lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009
World War I

The Great War, WWI or The War To End All Wars took place in Europe. About 70 million soldiers took part in the fighting and about 60 were european.
What makes this war different form the others, is that it was faught in trenches. People fighting this war had to live in dugouts, waiting to be called to the front line to fight the German army. Here is more information about the life in the trenches, the trench system and the trench warfare.
And finally, here is an article about how it really was to live in a trench:
lunes, 12 de enero de 2009
My honest opinion about emos.
Emos are just different. The fact that they believe in different things than most of the population doesn’t mean that they are wrong or that they are stupid, it’s just that they are very emotional. I wouldn’t harm myself, but this doesn’t mean that the fact that they do it is plain stupid. I don’t know their reasons, I don’t feel what they feel when they do it, so I can not judge them.
In some ways, I even like the concept. Many emos write to let out all their emotions, and as they are very deep, their writing is often true, very real, showing things as they see them, form a point of view that maybe we haven’t even considered.
I don’t believe I’ll go to “the black parade” when I die, but that doesn’t mean I’ll go to heaven either, so I can’t see why people criticize them the way they do.
I have nothing against Emos, the ones I don’t like are the POSERS. I think posers only like to be the victims and say they are going to kill themselves so people go and beg them not to do so. Posers only want to call attention. If you’re emo, that’s fine, you’re emotional and you do feel like the world is crumbling down on you, but posers… I mean, please, there are better ways to call attention than pretend you’re something you’re not.
In some ways, I even like the concept. Many emos write to let out all their emotions, and as they are very deep, their writing is often true, very real, showing things as they see them, form a point of view that maybe we haven’t even considered.
I don’t believe I’ll go to “the black parade” when I die, but that doesn’t mean I’ll go to heaven either, so I can’t see why people criticize them the way they do.
I have nothing against Emos, the ones I don’t like are the POSERS. I think posers only like to be the victims and say they are going to kill themselves so people go and beg them not to do so. Posers only want to call attention. If you’re emo, that’s fine, you’re emotional and you do feel like the world is crumbling down on you, but posers… I mean, please, there are better ways to call attention than pretend you’re something you’re not.
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